Thursday, November 7, 2019

Evening in the Outback with Host Jeff & Didgeridoo lessons by Andrew Langford-Search for him on youtube.

 We learned how to throw a boomerang.  I tried to put videos here, but they won't play on this

Damper bread being served.

Jeff grilled steaks for us and prepared a meal for us following our boomerang experience.  Fun combined with education-who could ask for more!

Jeff demonstrated how to make damper which is a bread cooked by stockman in the range.  He mixed the ingredients with his hands and cleaned the bowl and his hands with the sand.  Fascinating! The bread was cooked buried in the coals.

The leftovers were thrown on the ground in front of his house.  Rock wallabees and 1 kangaroo show up to eat the leftovers.  What fun for us to watch them.

Andrew Langford playing, teaching us and telling about the didgeridoo.

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